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yes! Because Anarchy means total chaos and God represents peace and stability. I hope that answers your question. Not necessarily. Anarchy comes from Greek and means "no rulers". It refers to a society without hierarchy, not chaos. Depending on your religion and your interpretation of it anarchy can be good or bad. Leo Tolstoy was a famous Christian anarchist.' No, anarchy is what he said ^^^ means no rulers. Which in turn means government. But there are different types of anarchy. Some do not have different names most are just categorized under Anarchy. There are Green Anarchists which means, to not have any rulers and live off the land and do without technology, putting us back into hunter-gatherer days. =). Some anarchist believe in the rule No Gods, No masters. Key part of that sentence being No Gods. But most do not believe in a god because it is still the idea of having a master. But long story short anarchy means against government and atheism is to not believe in god. Answer Anarchy actually refers to a deliberate resistance to order and not an embracement of chaos. Further, the first answer does not elucidate which God is in question. God represents both order, freedom, oppression, revenge, love, hate and many other contradictory characteristics. The typical Christian God, once stripped of middle-class characteristics such as gender and a big white beard, is a contradiction in terms and his characteristics have been ascribed by men over many different generations and political periods. This is not to say that God does not exist, just to say that the biblical representation of him is so erroneous and contradictory and politically slanted and drawn from more than one religion (Christianity AND Judaism) that one might successfully argue that God IS anarchy.

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14y ago

Yes Jesus clearly was a man of rules and therfor anarchy would not be something he would support.

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11y ago

No, anarchy is the utter lack of a government or order of any sort.

Government by the people would be a Democracy.

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Q: Is anarchy against Jesus Christ
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