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Yes, as a recovering anorexic, I was diagnosed by a specialist with anorexia nervosa with bulimic symptoms. Both anorexia & bulimia get worse if left untreated, eventually leading to cardiac arrest and/or multiple organ failure. Some examples of this are Christy Henrich, Karen Carpenter & Sheena Carpenter. If you think you have an eating disorder it is IMPORTANT that you seek Phsycological help, ASAP! Absolutely. They can both lead to death if left untreated.

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16y ago
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15y ago

There are two types of anorexics: restricting anorexics, and binge eating and purging anorexics. The restricting anorexics obviously are the ones who are picky eaters and mainly starve themselves (fast). The anorexics that binge eat and then purge are also bulimic and more than half of anorexics sometimes turn to bulimia as well.

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14y ago

Yes, over the past few decades the number of anorexics being diagnosed has been steadily increasing.

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13y ago

Neither is exactly "worse" than the other. Bulimia can have more devastating and dangerous side effects, but anorexia can be harsher on the body and mind.

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12y ago

well yes if they still think their fat

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All eating disorders have a different defination. While some may have similar characteristics, symptoms, results, side effects, and so on, each will have a different textbook definition.

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Both lead to health problems. It would be hard to say which is worse.

What is worse anorexia or strep throat?

Anorexia is worse than strep throat, by far. Strep throat is (usually) a short term illness that is treated with medication and a doctor's visit. Anorexia is both a physical and mental illness in which the anorexic person believes they are fat and starves themself and overexercises to lose excessive amounts of weight. Anorexia is not always curable, and severe cases require months on end in a hospital or in an outpatient treatment care center. Anorexia can be a lifelong, deadly disease, while we have developed cures and treatment options for strep throat.

Does anorexia cause ageing?

for sure it does... with all the stress an anorexic puts their body under, it will no double cause premature ageing.. if not worse.

Is anorexia or bulimia worse?

Neither is "worse" in comparison to the other. Both are highly dangerous and destructive to one's body, with numerous physical and mental health consequences.

Which is worse anoreixa or bulimia?

Both are very bad, and each is worse in their own ways. Bulimia has more immediate damage to the body through vomitting. But anorexia has a higher mortality rate and can last for much longer.

What cause some people to become anorexia?

usually it starts with someone that is focused on losin weight. it gets worse and worse until you get so upsest with it they look in the mirror and see an overweight person. hope that is what u were asking!!! :)

What are the signs that my14 year old daughter may have a eating disorder?

Over time, when teens and pre-teens develop eating disorders, there are many signs that you should keep your eyes peeled for. If your daughter never does sports or any kind of excercise, and you see she is developing a "bony structure" that may be a sign of bullimia or anorexia. At dinner or lunch time, if she cuts up her food or piles it up and talks a lot so she doesnt have to eat, that also may be a sign of anorexia or bullimia. Going to the bathroom after she eats a lot is a sign of bullimia. Additonal signs of an eating disorder are dark circles under her eyes, her clothes look huge on her, and she starts to buy outfits a few sizes below usual. Her grades could drop, and she checks the nutrition facts on everything. When these signs become relevent to your daughters everyday life, then you need to have a mother-to-daughter talk with her in a quiet room where she is free to say anything. Tell her that the decision she is making has a death consequence. Seek therapists or physcologists that can help talk to your daughter and raise her self-esteem.

Is Anemia or Anorexia worse?

uhh. i wouldnt say they are comparable. one is an eating disorder (anorexia) where one starves themselves and the other (anemia) is when blood vessels rupture and break down both can be very dangerous and possibly life theatening but thats about as much as they have in common

What is the scientific name for Anorexia?

The scientific name for anorexia nervosa is Anorexia nervosa.

What should you do if a friend has anorexia?

If a friend has anorexia, firstly do not try and make them eat. It will make them worse, if they want to eat they will. Ask your friend if they have told anybody else (if signs of their anorexia are not showing) and if they have, ask them if they had spoken to a professional about getting help and support. You really do need to push your friend into getting help. He/she will be less likely to succeed knowing that they are not getting full support from their family and friends.