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Q: Is anthrax a toxin
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Is anthrax poisoning a disease?

Anthrax poisoning is a serious infectious disease that can affect humans and animals. It is caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis and can be contracted through contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products. Symptoms of anthrax poisoning can vary depending on how the disease was contracted, but it can be fatal if not treated promptly.

What are the definitely developed for biological warfare?

anthrax and botulin toxin

What are two Biological organisms used as biological weapons?

anthrax and botulin toxin.

The potential biological warfare agent that is a toxin?

Anthrax. Ricin, bot and SEB

Why is rigor mortis absent in anthrax?

Rigor mortis is dependent on ATP in order for it to occur. However the anthrax bacilli have a toxin called edema factor or calmodulin dependent adenylate cyclase, which is a toxin that inhibits the stiffening of muscles by constantly stimulating the release of cAMP, so that the cAMP level in body is never low. Thus even after death it supplies the muscles with adequate cAMP to be relaxed, even after a prolonged period.

What is the chemical formula of anthrax?

Anthrax is really a bunch of spores of a microbe called bacillus anthracis. These spores are very resistent to drying out and harsh environmental conditions, making them survive for long times. Once these spores settle and grow into the bacterium, this bacterium releases an anthrax toxin that can cause life threatening pneumonia if the bacterium/spores were inhaled and settled in your lung.

How many ounces would it take to infect everyone in the world?

That depends on what substance you decided to share. For example, spoiled milk would take a lot more than botulinum toxin or anthrax.

What r bacterial aggressins?

bacterial agressins are molecules that the bacteria "shoot" at phagocytic molecules. Some agressin molecules include streptolysin O, leukocidin (staphylococcus), extoxin A, adenylate cyclase, and anthrax toxin EF

What is the history of anthrax?

what is the history on the anthrax disease

When was The Anthrax created?

The Anthrax was created in 1982.

What is the pathpgen name for anthrax?

bacillus anthrax

Is anthrax considered to be contagious?

Anthrax is not considered to be contagious from person to person. It is primarily acquired through contact with infected animals or their products.