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Anterior Pituitary Makes:

1. Growth Hormone which affects bones & muscles to produce growth.

2. Prolactin which affects the breast for milk secretion.

3. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone which affect adrenal glands to

(a) make aldosterone which affects the kidney to cause it to conserve sodium.

(b) to make cortisol which affects body cells causing stress.

(c) to make androgens which affect the axilla producing hair growth.

4. Thyroid hormone which affects the thyroid to make thyoxine. This acts on body cells and increases metabolism.

5. Gonadotropic Hormones (LH, FSH) which affect the testes causing them to make testosterone. This in turn affects body cells producing male secondary sex

characteristics. This same hormone affects the ovaries to make estrogen which again affects body cells which in turn produce female secondary sex

characteristics. Both males and females make these two sex hormones.

The third effect is on the ovaries to make progesterone which acts on the uterus to maintains pregnancy.

Post Pit makes:

1. Oxyotocin which acts on the breast to cause the breasts to "let down" milk. It also causes the uterus to contract.

2. Antidiuretic hormone which acts on the kidney to conserve water

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11y ago

Antidiuretic hormone is a posterior pituitary hormone. It's also known as vasopressin.

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The hypothalamus is superior to the pituitary gland.

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It is synthesized in pituitary. It is the anterior pituitary.

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Posterior pituitary, produced in the hypothalamus

Does the anterior pituitary secrete growth hormone?

Yes, the anterior pituitary secretes growth hormone. It's made by the acidophilic cells.

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