

Verified answer

The noun 'painting' is an abstract noun as the process or art of using paint.

The noun 'painting' is a concrete noun as a word for a piece of artwork.

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6y ago
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7y ago

Art itself is a concept, an abstract noun for the creation of media that communicate meaning, emotion, or information.

Art used to mean actual artworks (paintings, sculptures) is a concrete noun for physical things. This excludes "performance art" which consists solely of activities, which while observable are neither concrete nor abstract.

The noun art is an abstract noun as a word for something that people feel has value because it is beautiful or expresses ideas.

The noun art is a concrete noun as a word for paintings, drawings, and sculptures that are created to be beautiful or to express ideas.

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8y ago

The noun 'art' is an abstract noun as a word for the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, dance, etc.

The noun 'art' is a concrete noun as a word for the works produced by artists, such as paintings, poems, sculpture, jewelry, etc.

The noun 'art' is not a collective noun.

A collective noun is a word used to group people or things in a descriptive way; for example, a gallery of paintings, an anthology of poems, a string of pearls, etc.

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10y ago

No. The building housing the museum's collection is a concrete noun.

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