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Q: Is asbestos hide gold from metal detector?
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Related questions

What do leprechauns hide?

Pot of gold.

Why do leprechauns hide from people?

Leprechauns hide so we don't steal their gold or their luck.

Where can you hide your pot of gold?

at the end of the rainbow

What is the difference between blue dragon hide and gold trimmed blue dragon hide?

the only difference is the gold trim. other than that there is no difference

Why is there a pot of gold at end of a rainbow?

Realistically, There is no end to a rainbow, for the reason that a rainbow is a circle of continuous light. Unrealistically, a leprechaun hide gold at the end of a rainbow, at the time no one knowing that there is no end to a rainbow. Why gold? It was a pot of gold because gold was a precious metal and Ireland has no gold, unless imported. Gold being higher than silver in the market. A pot of gold meant lot of $$$

What kind of treasure do leprechauns hide from people?

Legend has it Leprechauns hide their pot of gold at the end of rainbows.

Where would you hide your pot of gold if you had one?

under my bed

What is hide mallet?

A type of hammer that has a roll of toughened animal hide as the hammer head, for applications where a metal head is too hard.

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Why did leprechauns wear green?

They wear green to hide better in keeping you from their gold.

What did native Indians do for fun?

traded , like stones for metal , or metal for hide coats. or danced around a bonfire , or smoked some herb

Where exactly the rocket grunt hide the item of the power plant in Pokemon gold?

the rocket grunt hide the item of the power plant in the gym of celadon