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Not necessarily.

Asexuality refers to a lack of an inherent desire to have sex. (Not to be confused with celibacy, which is not having sex even though you desire it.) It does not necessarily imply anything about any other aspect of the person's personality.

Autism and asexuality go together more often than would be expected by chance, especially in women. However, most high functioning autistics are not asexual, and most asexuals are not autistic. Both conditions are seen in only about 1% of the population. I don't know stats for rate of autism in asexual, but I do know that about 5% of high functioning autistic women are asexual. It's less common to find an asexual autistic man. (Not that there aren't asexual men out there, but it seems to have less of a link with autism.)

Autistic people, due to their poor social skills, are more likely to be involuntarily celibate even if they do have sexual desire. Romantic relationships are tricky for anyone - they're even trickier if you have a disability affecting your social skills. But it's important to remember that being asexual is not the same as being celibate. (In fact, there are some asexuals who have sex, usually because they have a partner who wants it.)

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No, It is Rare for a person with HFA, Aspergers, and PDD-NOS to be Asexual, in a whole about 10 percent of people on the Autistic Spectrum are asexual

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Just like any other orientation, asexuality is something we are born with. It is not caused.

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It probably means nothing, but it's possible that she's wearing it as a sign of asexuality. Asexuality groups are only just beginning to appear online, but several of them have chosen use a black ring as a signal to other asexuals.

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Is asexuality real?

Yes! Asexuality is a real sexual orientation that approximately 1% of the population identifies with. It may not sound like a lot, but within the United States alone that accounts for at least 3 million people.

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Wearing a black ring on the middle finger of the right hand is considered a common symbol of asexuality. Some asexuals do wear a ring on the middle finger of the left hand instead. However, the number is very small, so chances are a ring on the middle finger of the left hand is unrelated to asexuality.

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to signify and bring pride to their asexuality

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