

Is asteroid a noun

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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Yes, asteroid is a noun. A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea, making an asteroid fall into that category. It is a thing, making it a noun. To conclude, asteroid is a noun.

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Is an asteroid a noun?

Yes, the word 'asteroid' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a mass of rock that moves through space, a word for a thing.

What part of speech is the word asteroid?

Some people think the dinosaurs died when an asteroid hit the earth.

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The compound noun solar system is a common noun, a word for any solar system anywhere. A proper noun is the name of a solar system, for example Epsilon Eridani which is about 10.5 light years from earth.

What is another word for asteroid?

The word asteroid is a noun. It is a celestial body that orbits a star. Other words for asteroid are sphere, planetoid, heavenly body, and orb.

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Yes, the word 'planets' is a noun, the plural form of the noun planet. The noun planets is a word for two or more celestial bodies, smaller than a star but larger than an asteroid, that does not produce its own light but is illuminated by light from the star around which it revolves. The noun planet is a word for a thing.

Where is the biggest asteroid located?

The largest asteroid, Ceres, is in the asteroid belt.

Is the asteroid Ceres the largest asteroid?

That's right; Ceres is the largest asteroid.

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What is a sentence for the word asteroid?

The asteroid missed the Earth's atmosphere by inches.We will begin asteroid mining soon.

How might the occultation of a star by an asteroid tell us weather the asteroid has an atmosohere?

If there is an atmosphere, the light will gradually dim as the asteroid approaches the asteroid.

What lies between mars and jupiter-?

Main asteroid beltThe asteroid belt

What its the density of an asteroid?

The density of an asteroid differs.