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You are asking if you got pregnant, and had an ultrasound done about a week before your due period if the ultrasound would show differences to the egg?

If so, the answer is maybe. If there are, you'd have to be a professional to recognize them, because they would be minute. The egg would be really hard to see, but the thing that would be the most prominent would be the lining of the uterus. I had an ultrasound done at the time my period was due (so 1 week after your question), and the lining was soooo thick! That happens to give the baby protection. The egg was a tiny white spot next to a tiny black spot, or the forming of a placenta.

Hope this helps!

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hi it's take place after 10 to 20 days after your period to know exactly when you are most fertile u must buy an ovulation test and do it every day in the same time every test box have 20 strips to do the test wich u good luck

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No. If you look to a regular menstual cycle of 28 day, maybe 5 of them are perioda, fecondity is only approximately 14 days before the perioda, we call this the ovulation. Some girl have longer ovulation than other, it's why it's hard for some couples to get kids.

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Have a look at the chart below in the link (the Menstrual cycle) and you should be able to work it out.

Learn How To Read An Ovulation Calendar?

Woman may have a hard time understanding how to read an ovulation calendar or how to create one. When a woman is able to track when they ovulate, they will be able to accomplish a higher success rate at becoming pregnant. Tracking ovulation can take several months before a woman will know the best time to conceive. Learning how to read an ovulation calendar, or how to create one, can seem tricky. Read An Ovulation Calendar Before a woman can read an ovulation calendar, there are a few things they will need to understand. First, they will need to know the last day of their menstrual period and the average length of their cycles. Most woman will have an average length of 28 to 32 days for their menstrual cycle. They will ovulate within 11 to 21 days after the last day of their menstrual period. The days 11 to 21 will need to be charted on a calendar. Since woman are different from one another, one woman may ovulate on a different day than the other. This is why charting is important and knowing the signs to look for. Signs To Look For When a woman is trying to create an ovulation calendar, they will need to chart their basal body temperature and cervical mucus. This is going to let them know the day that they ovulated during that cycle. During days 11 to 21, the woman will need to chart her basal body temperature every day. When her temperature takes its highest peak is when she is ovulating. Also, her cervical mucus will look like a raw egg, or will be white in color, when she ovulated. Create An Ovulation Calendar For several months, a woman will need to chart her menstrual cycles to figure the average amount of days they last. Her basal body temperature and cervical mucus will need to be charted each month, as well. This is going to let her know exactly the day that she ovulates on average. Knowing the exact day she ovulates is going to help her to become pregnant successfully. Time To Take A Pregnancy Test When a couple uses an ovulation calendar, they will be able to have a successful opportunity to become pregnant. They will be able to track the day that they will be able to take a pregnancy test for a positive result. The best time to take a pregnancy test is on the first day of a missed period.

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