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Q: Is automobile manufacturing is a perfectly competitive market?
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Is cigarette market a perfectly competitive market?

There is no such thing as a perfectly competitive market. It is merely a economic model to compare other market structures to. Cigarette market is more likely a oligopoly.

How are prices set in a perfectly competitive market?

By Market Force

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Do perfectly competitive firms advertise?

Perfectly competitive firms would not advertise as advertising would serve no purpose. A market that is perfectly competitive exists only in theory.

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In a perfectly competitive market an increase in demand will in the long run generally cause?

An increase in demand in a perfectly competitive market will lead to an increase in revenue for the business. The more they sell the more they will make.

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Characteristics of perfect competitive market?

A perfectly competitive market has many competitors. There is no one competitor that has more say in product prices within the industry.

In a perfectly competitive market individual consumers have .?

no influence over determining price

In a perfectly competitive market, individual consumers have _____.?

no influence over determining price

Is peanut industry perfect competition?

No. There is no perfectly competitive market in real life.