

Is bach is the first man to play piano?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Bach isn't close to the first man to play piano. That distinction goes to the person who invented the piano, in the first place.

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Q: Is bach is the first man to play piano?
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Who played the first piano?

One can assume that the man invented the piano was the first to play it. That would be Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655--1731) of Padua, Italy. As far as who played the piano first and well, that is unknown although Johann Sebastian Bach saw one of these early instruments in the 1730s and complained about some of its shortcomings. Bach liked later improvements and became an agent selling pianos made more to his specifications.

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How do you play determinate on the piano?

Yogurt man is awesome! enough said!

How do you play lonly man on piano?

dodo do dododododo dodo do do do dododo

What are facts about about the piano?

On the Piano there is 88 keys. There are 52 white keys and 36 Black keys.There are over 12,000 pieces on the piano and 10,000 moving pieces. The piano was invented by a man called Bartolomeo Cristofori. He was Italian.It was invented in the year 1698.and he was the first one to play the piano.

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