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The first man to invent the Piano was a dirty guy called Huzaifah Makdah

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Q: What was the person who made the first piano called?
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Related questions

What country was the first piano made in?

it was made in Italy

What country does piano come from?

Pianos come from Greece

What was the first type of piano to be made?

a grand piano

When and where was piano first developed?

According t the Piano History Centre, the piano was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori, in Florence Italy, around 1707. He called it "gravicembalo col piano e forte". He made a somewhat similar instrument called Arpicembalo by 1698.

When was the first piano made?

The Piano was first made in 1157. WHERE the piano WAS made..... i have no clue! but you can find this piece of information on ask.comThank you for coming on WikiAnswers for this information! :)

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Was the piano the first piano made?

No. The Piano has been developed from the 1157s, which was then known as a clavichord. Upgrades of the Clavichord was constantly being introduced, in the 1600s, a Harpsichord was made. It was from the harpsichord that the Piano was first designed, and came around in the Classical/Romantic period.

Who made the first piano and when was it made?

the first piano was made by Bartolomeo Cristafari in 1709. This was because the previous "pianos" did not have a crisp sound. The piano is made of a hard plastic nowadays but can be made of wood. The strings are made of from tempered high-carbon steel, also known as spring steel. Hope this helps!

When was the Lester Piano last made?

the lester piano was first made when the democratic bethovan came back to write a sonatas and he had Bac and everybody.

What is a grand piano made of?

string wood and other crap who ever wrote that i know what ur made of CRAP!!!

When were the Piano's first made?

The value of a Stark piano made in Chicago dated 1945 varies. They can be worth upwards of 5,000 dollars.

Who invented the paino?

Bartolomeo Cristofori he was the one who made the first piano