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Yes, beets are good for your heart :)

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Q: Is beets is good for heart?
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What do a heart do?

it beets

What happens when a female is aroused?

her heart beets fast

Are beets a good source of nitric oxide?

Yes, beets have nitric oxide; but it can only be released when the beets are juiced.

How many heart beets per minutes?

72 beats per minute

Can you eat carrots and beets everyday?

you can eat whatever you want but, the fact is how much you eat. you can but not to much. carrots are good for your eye sight and give your eyesight and give you a lot of nutrients same for beets. beets are very good for you just not everyday it takes away them anit-bodies in your metabolism and you need all your nutrients. just limit how much of carrots and beets you eat.

What does it mean when your guinea pig's heart beets fast?

it usually just means your pig is scared or excited it is possible your pig has a heart problem but not very likely.

What should you do if a 4 year old heart rate is over 200 beets per minute?

Take her to the doctor!

Who discovered that sugar beets were a good source for a sweet treat?

Maddie Saah

Who discovered that sugar beets were a good source of sweet treat?

Maddeline Saah

Does Idaho grow sugar beets?

California grows sugar beets

Can you eat raw beets?

Beets can be eaten roots to leaves, cooked or raw. The leaves make up a great salad raw, and they make delicious cooked greens. The cooked root adds not only color to your plate, but lots of flavor, too.And they are good for you,too! Beets are nutritional powerhouses! They are literally loaded with:Boron – promotes healthy sex hormone productionBeta-caroteneBeta-cyanineFiber - soluble and insolubleIronMagnesiumNatural nitratesPhosphorusPotassiumVitamins A, B, & CBeets lowers the rate of heart disease, are great detoxifiers, and are used in alternative medicine.

Can sugar beets be turned into syrup?

Sugar beets can be turned into beet sugar