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Q: Is being a nympomaniac a addiction?
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Is naproxen an addiction?

ANY substance that is being abused can be an addiction.

Is love a addiction?

No , You Can Fall Fast But Being Addicted To Love Is NOT A Real Addiction !

How do people get smoking addiction?

by being a gay to be honest if you get a smoking addiction you can take a holiday up my bum!

What is the different between addiction and obsession?

An obsession is being preoccupied by a certain thought. Addiction also has the usage, or acting out component.

How is drug abuse different from drug addiction?

yes. abbuse is using too much and addiction is like not being able to quit

Is love kind of addiction?

love is a feeling that doesn't always come often. TRUE LOVE only comes once. an addiction is an addiction. love is a feeling and affection.

Having a habit you cant control is called what?

mandatory. quality. used about people who have a habit of not being able to control themselves.

Is being on the internet almost everyday an addiction?

well basically yea

Who is more likely to develop addictions?

Anyone can develop a addiction, but youth are more prone to an addiction being they give in to peer pressure and do things to fit in.

What are some interesting facts about drug addiction?

Some facts about drug addiction is that being addicted to one drug could lead to addiction to many more drugs. Another fact is that extreme drug addiction can cause death if not treated, as the user will keep doing more and more to get the feeling they want.

Can you drink after opiate addiction?

If you have an addiction problem, it is going to be up to you to decide what you can and cannot do. Being addicted to opiates may sound very different than being addicted to alcohol, but addictive thinking and behaviors are pretty much all the same. It doesn't matter that much what the substance is - an addiction is an addiction. That being said, if you are trying to overcome and opiate addiction, it's a petty bad idea to drink alcohol. Alcohol impairs your judgment tremendously. Not only are you at risk for drinking more heavily and replacing your opiate addiction with alcohol, but you are at risk for going back to opiates. If you drink too much, there is no telling what someone will do. If you are going to try to bet opiate addiction, my best advice would be to stay completely and totally clean and sober.

Reasons for being late for work that begins with the letter a?

Alcohol addiction, AA blackballed me.