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Man is a social animal. You can not live with out the society. A person will get insane in total isolation in the jail. Say in 15 days. You cannot live in jungle for very long time. Society gives you everything that you need. So being antisocial is something beyond imagination. You are cutting the branch of the tree, you are sitting on. No sacrifice is a small for the sake of the society. Your society is part of the humanity the world over. The different ethnic groups has made the texture of the society world over very much beautiful. Differences are bound to be there. But if you are compassionate, the problems should resolve. Society as a whole is part of the ecosystem. You must preserve the acosystem. You have to use the 'same' earth for next millions of years. In short, you must love and respect the society. You cannot afford to be antisocial. (That social sense is there is western countries. That is lacking in so called modern India. Deep down the the culture in villages is still fine.)

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Q: Is being antisocial is bad
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To talk to antisocial people, you must extend warmth to them by being friendly and understanding their desires.

How do you spell antisocial?

antisocial... you just spelled it.

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an antisocial monkey or an antisocial primate

What is psychopath?

A psychopath is a person who has a personality disorder. They can be antisocial, have bad behavior, and be very harmful to others.

What is the difference between social anxiety disorder and being antisocial?

being antisocial is a choice that is made to not engage in social activities and may be cause by social anxiety disorder but social anxiety disorder is a disorder that causes fear or nervousness brought on by being engaged in social activities.

A sentence with the word antisocial in it?

They were an antisocial group.

Does antisocial have a suffix or a prefix?

antisocial has a prefix

What is the noun for antisocial?

The noun form of the adjective 'antisocial' is antisociality.

What do you think about antisocial personality disorder?

it.s a very bad thing and they shouldn't be tormented about it. i hata people who do that to others.

Why were Christians antisocial?

because socialism definition is all good ,but really its bad look at Russia when they had socialism. the wanted out of it!

Can a quiet antisocial person control a class of teenagers?

It depends on the "quiet antisocial person" in some cases yes because once they get in front I a group like that all they want them to do is listen to them, but in most cases I would say no because they have chosen a life of being antisocial and that's what works for them.