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It depends on the situation, but generally speaking, if you are not living in a home with the odor of urine, then "close proximity" should not affect you. But if a chronic situation in a house, then yes it can cause health troubles.

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First, "in close proximity" is a very vague description.

Second, what is "old urine"?

Urine has a distinctive bad odor to make humans aware it is not liquid that should be consumed. The odor also hearkens back to establishing territories, as animals still do today. Urine should be disposed of soon after it is eliminated, or covered up if out in the wilderness.

However, urine can it in a beside commode during an 8-12 hour shift; it can sit longer when at home, but particles will leach out and stain the plastic basin that bedside commodes use. Same with porcelain commodes.

Droplets or spillage of urine becomes a contaminant, first because it smells, and second because it can attract insects and bugs, and most important, health issues over time. Urine odor is so offensive that a Health Dept or Section 8 official would take notice. If a chronic problem of urine droplets or spillage exists throughout a home, whether from human or animal(s), it can cause humans to have burning eyes, Allergies, lung inflammatory reactions, and other health problems.

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