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The most important treatments for a cold (due to a virus) is plenty of rest, a lot of fluids, and a well balanced diet. As a mother and a doctor, stay home with your child, make a schedule you stick to that includes the following, 9-10 hours of sleep overnight, a breakfast with eggs, fruit, toast and a multivitamin, downtime several times a day where it's ok to lay snuggled up on the couch with a movie, or a nap if possible, as many sugar-free Popsicles as they want (it will feel like Disneyland for them), a lunch with veggies and protein (peanutbutter sandwich with peanut butter in celery or apples dipped in peanut butter and carrots and ranch, etc), a couple active play times of 30-45 minutes is fine, outside during active playtime is fine. It's important to not expose other children to the virus that is affecting your child, so teach your child to wash hands and cover mouth when coughing or sneezing. Only time, nutrition, lots of fluids, and lots of rest will help your body get rid of a virus.

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Q: Is being outside in the sun bad for you when you have a cold?
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Via infared radiation.

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If you mean "sun" not "sin" then yes. You can get a pretty bad sun burn while skiing if its sunny outside.

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A cold blooded reptile basking on a warm rock is being warmed by the sun's heat.

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It is only bad to look directly at the sun. Otherwise you can go about your normal business.

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no the sun doesn't get cold because the sun is always so hot . if the sun is cold why then people cant go in sun. sun never get cold.

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Yes they will they need a dog house to protect them from the elements. also depends on how cold it is and if the sun is out.

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The outside.