

Is being pretty bad

Updated: 12/14/2022
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10y ago

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No, being pretty is not a bad thing. It is a very good thing. However, beauty has its costs.

Someone who is pretty might have it easy in life in terms of popularity, and thus they may neglect deeper aspects of themselves. Some attractive people live off of that attractiveness and fail to develop character or maturity.

Then there are differences in how others may treat you. Others may mistreat you because they are jealous of how you look. If you are an attractive female, you may have problems with unwanted attention from men. Others may have stereotypes about you. They may assume you are ditsy or clueless. If you are a male with attractive but softer features, others may accuse you of homosexuality.

Now, if you are not naturally attractive, there are procedures you can get if you want them. Getting such procedures have nothing to do with not accepting oneself. Who you are is not your skin, but your soul, nature, and being. So if you are attractive on the inside, there is nothing wrong with wanting others to see it on the outside. But, this kind of beauty has costs too, including financial costs, health risks, and in some cases, a risk of death. There is the case where a teenager somehow managed to get breast augmentation surgery. However, she was allergic to the anesthesia used, and she died. So you must decide carefully and thoroughly weigh all your options. Bad things do happen, but we all should have the right to full autonomy over our bodies and have the right to develop our own images of ourselves and try to fulfill them.

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