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Q: Is bioavailability the degree in which a nutrient is absorbed and avalilable to be used?
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The degree to which our body's absorb and utilize nutrients is called what?


What is absorbed light?

All molecules will absorb light to a greater or lesser degree

Is chlorinated water absorbed by the skin and internal organs?

To some degree it is absorbed by the skin; if your internal organs are exposed to chlorinated water whether or not they absorb it is probably not the biggest of your problems.

What colours of light are absorbed by orange?

All of them are to some degree. The color that is leastabsorbed is orange.

What does the science term of 'degree of transparency to light' mean?

It means how much light gets through, as opposed to being absorbed.

Explain how the specific heat of a substance is determined?

specific heat is the amount of heat to be absorbed required to raise a substance 1 degree celsius. And by heat being absorbed, i mean energy, because specific heat is measured in joules

Tropical rain forests have a high degree of biodiversity. How do tropical rain forests contribute to the overall health of the biosphere?

By carrying out a high rate of nutrient recycling

These days how has technology made it easier for farmers to know when to plant their crops?

It allows us to know days to maturity from planting, what nutrient levels are in the soil, what the pH is, which is critical for nutrient uptake, and can also tell us ground temperature (required for germination), Growing degree days etc

What cause the change in temperature?

Every layer of the atmosphere changes in degree because the way solar energy is absorbed it moves downward through the atmosphere.

What happens to digested food after absorption?

Food is digested in the stomach, and this digestion continues to some degree in the small intestine. But it is largely in the small intestine that the nutrients are absorbed from the stream of digested materials. Anything not absorbed continues on to the large intestine for water extraction and further on to excrement.

Can anyone answer which oil is not absorbed by the human body?

The term oil has a broad definition. We generally consider oils to be hydrocarbons that come from plants or animals. Petrochemicals are also oils. The long, complex molecules that are oils will all, to a greater or lesser degree, be absorbed by the body. The question is usually how much might be absorbed and where they may be absorbed (like through the skin or through the walls of the intestinal tract). A general rule of thumb might be that the longer and more complex the hydrocarbon molecules, the less that will be absorbed. Other than that, there is probably not much else we can say without launching headlong into a full discussion of organic chemistry.

How much energy is absorbed by 50 grams of water if the temperature changes from 22 degrees celsius to 28 degrees celsius?

Change in temp = 28° - 22° = 6°. Heat capacity of liquid water is 1 calorie per gram per degree(C).So the energy absorbed is (50) x (6) = 300 calories.