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Q: Is biotite granite extrusive or intrusive?
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The extrusive counterpart of granite?

The extrusive chemical equivalent of intrusive granite is rhyolite.

What is the comparison of granite and basalt in terms of origin and texture which is intrusive and which is extrusive?

Basalt can't see crystals and basalt is extrusive. Granite you can see the crystals and is intrusive.

Is Mt Rushmore intrusive or extrusive igneous rock?

Intrusive Igneous rock because it is made of granite and granite is intrusive igneous rock

Which intrusive and extrusive rocks have the same chemical composition?

Intrusive: Extrusive Equivalent Granite: Rhyolite Diorite: Andesite Gabbro: Basalt

Is granite rock a extrusive rock?

No, granite is the most common intrusive igneous rock.

What are the main two types of igneous rocks?

Igneous rocks are classified as either extrusive or intrusive. Extrusive rocks form from lava at or above the ground, and intrusive rocks form from magma below the ground. Granite is intrusive, pumice is extrusive.

Is glassy igneous rocks intrusive or extrusive?

Granite gneiss is a metamorphic rock and would not be considered extrusive (rock formed from molten material at or near the surface).

What are the most common intrusive and extrusive rocks?

The most common intrusive rock is granite, whereas the most common extrusive rock is basalt.

Is basalt equal to granite?

No. Basalt is extrusive whilst granite is intrusive, among other things.

Is micro granite intrusive or extrusive?

Granite is an intrusive type of igneous rock Also since it is intrusive it cools very slowly and forms large crystals and coarse (large) grained igneous rock.

What trait is an intrusive igneous rock?

If a rock is intrusive, that means that it formed from magma inside the Earth. An example is granite. The opposite is extrusive, which forms from cooling lava from volcanoes. An extrusive rock is obsidian.

Is Felsic a Intrusive or Extrusive Rock?

It can be either. The term felsic describes the composition of the rock, not where it forms. The general category for intrusive felsic rock is granite while extrusive felsic rock is rhyolite.