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The extrusive chemical equivalent of intrusive granite is rhyolite.

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Q: The extrusive counterpart of granite
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Is rhyolite a igneous rock or metamorphic rock?

it is Igneous.actually it is the extrusive counterpart of Granite

Which is an extrusive rock?


What is the intrusive counterpart of rhyolite?

The intrusive counterpart of rhyolite is granite.

How is granite different from scoria pumice and obsidian?

granite is extrusive rock

How granite could be changed into a extrusive igneous rock?

Granite could become extrusive by becoming molten and then erupted onto the surface. It will then become extrusive in that it formed at or near the surface from molten material.

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What is the comparison of granite and basalt in terms of origin and texture which is intrusive and which is extrusive?

Basalt can't see crystals and basalt is extrusive. Granite you can see the crystals and is intrusive.

What rock has the same composition as granite?

Rhyolite is the extrusive equivalent in chemistry and density of granite.

Is granite rock a extrusive rock?

No, granite is the most common intrusive igneous rock.

Is glassy igneous rocks intrusive or extrusive?

Granite gneiss is a metamorphic rock and would not be considered extrusive (rock formed from molten material at or near the surface).

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Is basalt equal to granite?

No. Basalt is extrusive whilst granite is intrusive, among other things.