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Most certainly, if there is gain for the narcissist, I am positive they will 'pretend' affection for anyone - gay, lesbian, straight, what ever gives them gain... personal experience, I was 'partnered' with one for 10 years until my monetary future became clouded, and she immediately dumped me... I was "kept around" long enough to help her gain property, horses, and soon as I was no longer an advantage, I was pushed out (not her fault mind you)... she "moved on with her life" with her Boss within about 1 week of my moving out... a step up in the social and money areas in her mind... She had no problem living with a woman - she just kep repeatng 'it is non of their business what goes on in my house'(reinforcing her lies...) Hi Everybody! Unfortunately, I have heard too many "fascinating" remarks and admissions from my exN about these such things, including his approval of female/female relationships. Being a Christian, and wanting to be loved by this man, it really hit me hard. Not putting all his other callous remarks aside (remarks about our relationship), I have read and wouldn't be surprised if my exN had already had or would be willing to have a clandestine relationship with another man...I hope this is the paranoid side of me thinking this, but everything points to it, regardless of how much I don't wish it to be so. I agree that whatever fulfils an N's need at the time will be done...unless there is an important reason why he/she shouldn't. And even then they will think the whole thing through to make sure they shouldn't do it....but they think it all through to ensure it won't mess up "their plans", not - of course - anyone else's life. Amazing how we keep thinking they will change but how we continue to uncover their complete mental illness one step at a time. Take care...mbme

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