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Due to it's nature as a form of crude oil, yes. Very flammable indeed.

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Q: Is bitumen flammable
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Why is bitumen is cracked?

The natural oils dried out

Why is fuel explosive?

It's not really explosive. It's flammable. At optimal concentrations along with oxygen, any flammable substance will burn so quickly that an explosion is given off - it acts as a run-away train reaction and quickly burns all the available fuel. Dust from grain isn't considered explosive or even flammable by most but it can explode giant silos under certain conditions. Pressure explosions are also common in which pressure generated from the combustion of a fuel bursts the container. This is what happens in a combustion chamber inside an engine, forcing the piston down and transferring energy.

What type of coal can be used in pulverized combustion?

Bituminous and subbituminous coals are user to make the pulverized coal for coal burners. This is coal containing the compound bitumen. It is a soft coal. They are graded according to their carbon content. They can be processed into coke before being pulverized.

How do convert 28 liter water tank to LPG liter?

Probably not a very sensible idea. Water tanks are unlikely to be rated for the pressures used for LPG tanks, and LPG, being both flammable and explosive, is not the stuff that you want to play with.

What is the English name of kacha oil?

crude oil...(L. petroleum, from Greek: petra (rock) + Latin: oleum (oil)[1]) or crude oil is a naturally occurring, flammable liquid consisting of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights and other liquid organic compounds, that are found in geologic formations beneath the Earth's surface.