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Pamela Hagedorn

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Q: Is black the absorption of all colors or the absence of color?
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Is black all colors or the absence of color?

NO white is the reflection of all seven primary colors and black is the absorption of all 7 ive answered this more detailed on 4 other ones

Color is the absence of all colors?

white light is the reflection of all seven priamary colors; example- a prism defracting the colors from sun light- and black is caused by the absorption of all seven colors; example- black hole

What is black the color?

Black does not reflect. It absorbs all colors of light.

How is white no color?

White is a combination of all the visible colors. Black is the absence of color, so black is not a color.

How does the black appear black from a projector - seeing as black is not a colour?

Black appear black from a projector because the projector is not projecting any light at that spot.In the "colors of light", or light emissions system, black is the absence of color, while white is the presence of all colors.Contrast that with the "colors of paint", or light absorption system, where black is the presence of all colors and white is the absence of all colors.See discussion page for clarification.

What is the purest colors?

the purest color is gray. White is the absence of color, and black is every color.

What colors are mixed to achieve black?

Black is achieved by combining all colors together in equal proportions, essentially absorbing all light wavelengths. In the subtractive color model, this means combining cyan, magenta, and yellow. In the additive color model, black can be approximated by combining red, green, and blue light at their minimum intensity levels.

Is black a color?

Black as a "color" is the equal absorption of all frequencies of visible light, creating the maximum contrast to white, which is the reflection of all visible color frequencies. --- Black cannot be generated by a colored light source. The term "black light" refers to a light source that generates light (primarily) in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. --- For LIGHT, black is not a color, it is the absence of all colors. For SURFACES, black is a combination of all colors (none are reflected). For PAINT, it is a mixture of complementary colors in the proper proportions.

Is black the presense of all color?

No. White is the presence of all colors, black is the absence.

How many different colors of black are there?

None, black is not a color. It is in fact the absence of light.

What colors make white when mixed?

All colors of light combined at full intensity create white light. In terms of paint or pigment, mixing equal parts of red, green, and blue makes white. This is known as the RGB color model used in digital devices.

Why is the black color is the opposite of white color?

Black can be defined as the absence of any color, whereas white is the mixture of all colors.