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weird, but yes.

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Q: Is blood from your cut dangerous?
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Can you take aspirin and another blood thinner at the same time?

I'm pretty sure that's dangerous to your health. If your blood becomes too thin and you get a cut your blood will be unable to clot and the cut will keep bleeding.

Is it more dangerous to cut a vein or artery and why?

An artery because blood is pumped through the arteries at a much higher pressure than the veins. Therefore if you cut an artery you will lose a lot more blood a lot quicker than if you cut a vein.

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There are some very small blood vessels that get cut, but only the ones that feed the foreskin. The ones that feed the penis are left intact.

When you cut an artery blood spurts out Why?

Because arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. There are many arteries that carry blood to all parts of the body. And how dangerous a severed artery is depends on how deep the cut is and what artery is cut.

Why is it dangerous for a person if one of his veins is out?

Even though the blood loss rate through a vein is slower than through a cut artery, you can still bleed out and die through a cut vein.

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Is haemotoma dangerous in a breast?

It is dangerous anywhere in the body. If small (a "blood blister") it should go away naturally. If large enough to put pressure on the surrounding tissue, it can cut off circulation and make the injury worse.

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It is not dangerous. My hamster has bitten me before and tasted my blood. Your fine

Why silly bands dangerous?

Well if your like some people I know then you must never take your sillybandz off. Well if you do that, well you cut off blood curricaltion, and that could result in the hand dying, and having to be cut off.

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how will blood flow out in case an artery is cut

Why are knives dangerous?

They cut things and people, possibly indiscriminately.

IS airlock in blood infusion dangerous?

The airlock in blood infusion mast be high-volume to be dangerous for life. A small air vial will be dissolved in blood.