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Although, B postive blood is not as popular as A postive blood types, there is no real shortage. Call your local Blood Center or hospital for more information.

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Why is O positive such a popular blood type?

Blood type O positive is considered the "universal donor" because it is compatible (does not reject) other blood types. This is crucial during blood transfusions, so blood banks need a ready supply of it at all times.

If a father has type A positive blood and the mother has type O positive blood what blood type will the baby have?

Well the baby will have an O positive blood type.

A Father with A positive blood type and a mother with O positive blood type will have a baby with what blood type?

The baby will normally be A positive.

If one parent has A positive blood and the other had A positive blood what type will the baby have?

The blood type would be A positive.

What blood type would the son have if the father's blood type is 0 positive and the mother's blood type is B positiver's blood type is B positive what blood type would the son have?

If the father's blood type is O positive and the mother's blood type is B positive, a child could have type B or type O blood, and the Rh factor could be positive or negative.

What percent of people have o positive?

Officials say 38 percent of the United States population has type O positive blood, making it the most common of the eight blood types. Since 84 percent of the U.S. population can receive type O positive blood, there is a steady demand for it from hospitals and patients. People with type O negative blood are particularly in demand because they are the "universal donor." It means that people of all blood types can receive type O negative blood safely, so it is used during life-threatening emergencies or when the matching blood type is in short supply. ----- Type O negative is roughly 15 percent of the population

If I am O positive blood type and I had three children that are O positive blood type and one that is B positive blood type what could that make my husband's blood type be?

a recessive O or B blood type

Can a mother with O positive blood type and a father with B positive blood type have a child with A positive blood type?

only if one of the parents is a chimera

Can an O positive blood type father parent an A positive blood type child?

Yes, if the mother has type A or AB blood.

If the mother has type O positive blood and father has type AB positive blood what type blood will the baby have?

A, b, ab

Can a parent with O negative blood type and a parent with A positive blood type have a baby with O positive blood type?

Of course!

What blood type are your parents if you are A positive blood type?