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Yes. Blood type A could be AA or Ao. Blood Type B could be BB or Bo. Blood type o has to be oo. If Ao and Bo are crossed, then their is a 25 percent chance that oo will be the resulting blood type.

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Q: Is blood type O possible with blood type A and B parent?
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Related questions

What will a baby with parents who are ab and b blood type be?

If the parent's blood type is AB and B, the possible blood type of the baby is A, B, or AB.

What blood types can be formed by crossing A genes with B genes?

If the parent's blood type is A and B, respectively, the possible blood type of their child are A, AB, B and O.

If one parent had type B blood and other parent has type O blood is it possible that their unborn child gets type A blood?

It is possible in the very rarest of cases when actually the O parent is an A without producing the protein. In most cases, however, no.

What will the result of O- blood plus B?

For a transfusion - blood type O can donate to blood type B. However, blood type O cannot except B-type blood. For offspring, with one O parent and one B parent - the child could be blood type O or B depending on the genotype of the parent with B-type blood.

Can b blood and ab blood have a o blood child?

No - this is not possible. The child must inherit one allele from each parent. This means that if one parent is AB, they must donate either an A or a B to the child. This means that the only possible blood types are A, B and AB (depending on whether the other parent is BO or BB). If the parent with B blood type is homozygous, BB, then the child can only be B or AB.

If one parent has B and the other has o is it possible for baby to have a b?

Yes, the baby will have either B or O type blood.

Can your sisters be o blood group and yourself b blood group?

Yes, you can have a sister with blood type O and you can be blood type B. This can happen if you have one parent with type AB or B blood, and other parent with type O or B blood.

Can b positive parent have child with a positive blood?

A B+ parent can have a child with A+ blood. The other parent must be type A or type AB for this to occur.

Can One parent with an o blood type and the other parent with an A blood type produce a b blood type?


Can one parent with type O negative and one with type A positive have a child with B negative blood type?

not possible but rarely can be

What will happen to a baby when his father is blood type ab and his mother is blood type o?

If a parent's baby is having AB and O blood type, respectively, the baby's possible blood type will be A or B.

Is it possible to have a child that is O blood group from a father with A blood group and mother B blood group?

The short answer is YES. To explain as simply as possible; Each of us inherits a set of genes from each parent, a set of alleles from each parent; in the case of blood type, the alleles that may be present at the site on the chromosome responsible for blood type may be either A,B, or O (O actually being the absence of A or B). In the above question, if one parent's alleles are A and O (remember, everyone has two alleles), their blood type is A; if the other parent's alleles are B and O, that parent types as B. If their child inherits the "O" allele from each parent, that child will be type O.