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Nannie Keeling

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14y ago

Anthrax is a disease. The pathogen is Bacillus anthraciswhich is a prokaryote.

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Eukaryote. It has no nucleus because it's a bacteria.

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Q: Is bordetella pertussis a eukaryote or prokaryote?
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What causes pertussis?

The causative organism is Bordetella pertussis.

Where is bordetella pertussis found?

The first outbreaks of Bordetella Pertussis were described in the 16th century. Bordetella Pertussis was not identified until 1906. There were over 250,000 cases of Bordetella Pertussis per year in the U.S., with up to 9,000 deaths. Bordetella Pertussis was first recognized after an epidemic in Paris in 1578. By 1976, the incidence of Bordetella Pertussis in the U.S. had decreased by 99%. Jules Bordet (1870-1960) along with Octave Gengou discovered Bordetella Pertussis in pure culture in 1906 as the actual cause of Whooping Cough.

Which pathogen causes whooping cough?

Most of the time, a bacteria called bordetella pertussis is inhaled, colonizes your lungs and then you get the characteristic whooping cough.

What is the pathogen of a whooping cough?

Bordetella pertussis

What is the pathogen of whooping cough?

Bordetella pertussis

How do you treat bordetella pertussis?

Bordetella pertussis is typically treated with antibiotics, such as azithromycin or erythromycin, to reduce the severity and duration of symptoms. Supportive care, such as rest, hydration, and monitoring of symptoms, is also important in managing the illness. Additionally, vaccination with the pertussis vaccine is a key preventive measure.

Is nostoc eukaryote or prokaryote?

You will find nucleic acid in both prokaryote and eukaryote cells.

When was bordetella pertussis discovered?

Jules Bordet (1870-1960) along with Octave Gengou discovered Bordetella pertussis in pure culture in 1906 as the actual cause of whooping cough.

What is another name for whopping cough?

Whooping cough or Pertussis, is a highly contagious disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis.

What disease does Bordetella pertussis cause?

Pertussis, otherwise known as Whooping Cough or the 100 day cough.

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