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Bravery is not a physical thing at all. Bravery is an emotional or perhaps an intellectual thing.

Bravery is the decision to disregard fear.

While it is often demonstrated in somewhat physical ways, it is purely an internal conflict.

US General Omar Bradley perhaps stated it best:

Bravery is the capacity to perform properly even when scared half to death.

To that I add my own take: Bravery is not the absence of fear, it is action in the face of one's greatest fear.

Bravery consists of tolerance, which is positive reaction instead of aggressive attack. Positive emotional attitude for the progress or to achieve goals is a sign of bravery.

Physical bravery can be punished you or you do torture yourself to get anger,anxiety,fear,frustration,hatred,jealousy,depression,love and worry etc

Exude mind help to tackle the situation bravely.

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