

Is bread bad for hermit crabs?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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Q: Is bread bad for hermit crabs?
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Hermit Crabs do pinch! Actually i got pinched by mine earlier today. But it will not hurt you very very bad you just feel some sting. (If you are wondering hermit crabs don't transmit any diseases :) )

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No, Hermit Crabs are omnivores.

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Yes hermit crabs have antennas.

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No hermit crabs are small and friendly

What is a hermit- crabs favote snack?

My 2 hermies love the crust off of whole wheat bread!

What are the hermit crabs preditors?

sea birds, fish, octopuses, crabs, and other hermit crabs

Can hermit crabs kill moon crabs?

it deppends on how big the hermit crabs and the moon crabs are but if the hermit crab is bigger youv'e got your self a dead moon crab