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Assuming it has remained constantly frozen for the three years hamburger is probably safe to eat. But, it may or may not taste good.

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I would not think it would be. sounds like if has freezer burn

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Q: Is brown frozen hamburger meat safe to eat?
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If uncooked hamburger is brown is it safe to eat?

Uncooked meat is not safe to eat, in general. As for cooking it, a brown color can indicate that the hamburger is not freshly ground, that it has oxidized or possibly spoiled. Unless it has been under proper refrigeration since ground (where it may have been photo-oxidized by UV light), it should be suspected as spoiled.

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Can you saute onions and hamburger meat and then freeze it?

I do it all the time but try to let it thaw before you do. We cook in our microwave in two stages. First stage is thawing the meat. Second stage is the actual cooking time for the quantity of burgers you made.

Can leaving meat in a freezer for too long cause food poisoning?

If the meat was safe when frozen, it should still be safe bacteriologically. If the meat has become rancid, someone's stomach might object to that.

How long should you keep thawed hamburger before cooking?

I have two pounds of hamburger in my refrigerator that are about three days old. They started out frozen so I figure it took a day to thaw. Is it safe to use?

Is deer meat still good if frozen unwrapped?

Once you thaw frozen meat you should use it within a few days as long as it has been in the fridge. Refreezeing the meat will cause water chrystals to form in the meat tearing the bnonds in the muscles. Where as it is safe to eat it will not taste nearly as good and have a bad texture it is technically safe to eat.

Is it safe to eat pork chops that turn brown while raw?

Im sure it can. Just like raw hamburger.

Is safe to eat imitation crab meat after it's been frozen 20 months?

Be sure to thaw, and then fully cook the meat. This should rid the meat of unwanted bacteria.

How long are cooked hamburgers left in the fridge safe?

Hamburger meat can last in the refigerator for about 7 hours.. The above answer is completely incorrect....a basic example is If you buy (unfrozen)hamburger meat on April 10th and the (sell by/use by) date on the package says April 12th then your hamburger meat will last for 2 days in your refrigerator providing the temperature is at 40-45*F. It may well still be good one day after that date,however to be safe go by the date on the package...((if the hamburger meat is brought home and immediately frozen then it can remain good for up to 3 months possibly more depending on how its packaged))) For hamburger meat that has been fully cooked and then placed in the refrigerator such as a meatloaf,burgers,meatballs,sloppy joes,ect... then it will remain safe to eat the following day...provided the temperature is kept at 40-45*F... Frozen hamburger that is taken out and placed in the refrigerator to thaw for cooking should be used no later than the next day..because..the thawing process causes unnecessary water to form inside the package of meat and leaving it any longer than 18-24 hours could cause problems...

What if you cooked hamburger meat and put directly into a crock pot on the warm setting will be safe for four hours?

Yes, it will be fine, just cover it up.

What are 3 safe ways to thaw frozen hamburger?

The three recognized safe ways to thaw food are # in the refrigerator # in the microwave # under cold running water The last two are considered quick-thaw methods where the food should be cooked immediately after thawing.

Is pink stinky hamburger meat bad?

Hamburger that has been packed and sealed with carbon monoxide can keep a red or pink color for an artificially long time. In the meantime, carbon monoxide doesn't necessarily prevent bacterial growth. Alternatively, meat that is not treated with carbon monoxide may turn brown in a day or two simply because of a minor change in chemistry even with proper refridgeration and is typically still safe to eat. Color, therefore, is not always a good litmus test as to whether meat has gone bad or not. Better to be safe than sorry in this instance. If the meat smells like rotten flesh, I would toss it. Even if it is pink.