

Is brown the dominant eye color?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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13y ago

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No, blue is. Blue is a baby's eye color and then they change to whatever color after about one month.

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Q: Is brown the dominant eye color?
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Related questions

Is blue or brown the dominant eye color?

Brown is dominant, over half the world has brown eyes.

What eye color do most people in the world have?

Brown is the most popular eye color in the world. Brown eyes are a dominant trait.

Which is dominant blue or green eye color?

neither they are both ressessive colors in the color genes brown is th most dominant color wise

Are blue or brown eyes dominent?

brown eyes are dominant and are the most common eye colour half of the world has them population have them including me

What eye colors are dominant and which are recessive?

It depends what area you are talking about. If its in Europe then maybe blue eyes, or if its in India then probably brown eyes. In the whole world it is brown eyes.

What are inherited traits of fruit flies?

eye color (red/white) and body color (brown/yellow). In fruit flies, eye color is a sex-linked trait determined by a single gene with two alleles. Red color is dominant to white eye color. Body color is an autosomal trait determined by a single gene with two alleles, where brown is dominant to yellow. -Angela B.

If your mother had brown eyes and her father had blue eyes what would the baby have?

Brown color of eye is dominant over blue color. If the mother is homozygous for brown color of eye, than the all the children will have brown color eyes. If mother is heterozygous for brown eyes, than 50% of children will have brown eyes and 50% will have blue eyes.

What color eyes will the child have father and mother has brown eyes?

Either. The genetics of eye color are more complicated than previously thought. Color is determined by multiple genes. The genetics of eye color are so complex, that almost any parent-child combination of eye colors can occur.

What color will a baby's eyes be if the mom and dad both have brown eyes?

Most likely brown, brown is a dominate gene. So probably brown eyes - but you never know :) brown eye color is a dominant trait, so most likely brown but it is a polygenic trait, which means more than one gene is responsible for determining eye color.

How do you explain the principle of dominance?

Genetic dominance? One gene is dominant over the other gene in the chromosome pair by having it protein product made totally at the expense of the recessive gene, or the protein product dominates production. For instance, blue eye color is recessive to brown eye color. You have two alleles ( different molecular form of the same gene ) in this case; one from one parent and one from the other parent. Only the brown allele expresses and is called dominant then.

What eye color is the most popular?

Brown is the most common eye color occurring in about 55 percent of the global population. One reason why brown is expressed in such high percentages is the fact that it is genetically a dominant color. Brown eyes are more prevalent in Asia, Australia and Africa than most other places on earth. For more information visit:

Can several alleles affect a single trait like eye color?

Alleles affect traits like eye color. Alleles for brown and blue eyes are dominant and recessive respectively. Individuals who have homozygous and heterozygous genotypes with the dominant allele will have brown eyes. However individuals are homozygous for the recessive allele will have blue eyes.