

Is bubbles a chemical change

Updated: 11/22/2022
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7y ago

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In and of itself, no. Both chemical and physical changes can create bubbles.

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Aubrey Stamm

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2y ago
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Q: Is bubbles a chemical change
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No, it is not a chemical change. For example, if you put gold bubbles into any single acid, no chemical change will take place.

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Baking powder bubbles and gives off CO2 when it is moistened is it a chemical or physical change?

It is a chemical change.

What is a sign that a chemiacl change occurred air bubbles or broken pieces?

air bubbles is a sign that a chemical change has occured

Do bubbles indicate a physical or chemical change?

Not always but they can. They may simply be an indication of a phase change, as when water boils. This is usually counted as a physical change rather than a chemical change. But if you add baking soda to vinegar, you will see bubbles as a result of a chemical change.

What is one thing that can happen as a result of a chemical change?

Depending on the chemical change, sometimes color change, or appearance of bubbles.

Do the bubbles in a pot of boiling water for noodles indicate chemical change?

No, the bubbles in boiling water for noodles do not indicate a chemical change. The bubbles are formed due to the physical process of water reaching its boiling point and turning into steam bubbles. This is a physical change, as only the state of the water molecules is changing, not their chemical composition.

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Water bubble is a substance not a change.

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It is a physical change.

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it is a chemical change

How do know that substances go through a chemical change?

acid bubbles