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Q: Is buoyancy constant irrespective of shape of container?
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Special properties of liquid?

A liquid is defined as something that has a constant volume but conforms to the shape of its container. This is different from a gas which has variable volume and conforms to the shape of its container. It is also different from a solid which has a constant volume and does not change to fit the shape of its container.

How may liquids described in term of shape and volume?

A solid has a constant volume and a determinate shape.A liquid has a constant volume but an indeterminate shape.A gas has an indeterminate volume and an indeterminate shape.liquids have a constant volume at a constant temperature, and take the shape of their container.

Does the constant motion of the particles in a liquid cause the liquid to take the shape of its container?

Yes, pressure in the liquid caused by its molecules constantly being in motion force it to take on the shape of its container (within limits).

How may liquids be described in terms of shapes and volume?

A solid has a constant volume and a determinate shape.A liquid has a constant volume but an indeterminate shape.A gas has an indeterminate volume and an indeterminate shape.liquids have a constant volume at a constant temperature, and take the shape of their container.

What is the shape of a liquid?

A liquid takes the shape of any solid that it is contained within. For example water within a square container will appear square, but water within a triangular container will appear triangular.

What Takes shape of its container?

Liquids and gases will "take the shape" of their container.

What takes the shape of container?

Liquids and gases will "take the shape" of their container.

Do solids take the shape of it container?

No they don't because they have tightly packed particles. But liquids can take the shape of their container.

What is the shape of gasses?

gases takes the shape and volume of the container

What determines that shape and volume of a gas inside a container?

The container determines the shape.

The shape of a liquid depends upon its?

A liquid takes the shape of its container.

What is a substance that takes the shape of the container?

Substances which take the shape of a container are said to have an "Indefinite Shape" or fluids