

Is burned food good for your teeth?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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It depends. If the food is so burned it's like a hockey puck then yes obviously it's bad but regular burned food isnt all that bad. Unless thats all you eat.

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Q: Is burned food good for your teeth?
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If your food has burned, carefully remove the burned places and toss them. If you have already stirred the food, mixing in the burned areas, or it has simmered with the burned food, then it is unlikely that the food is going to be edible. The burned taste will permeate all of the dish.

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This is a good description of what the tongue does.

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Believe it or not, chocolate (the dark kind, at least) is good for your teeth. Here's an article listing and explaining why 7 other foods are good for your teeth:

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Milk is good for your teeth and so is water. But not fizzy drinks!!

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The teeth which crush food are called molars; the teeth which cut food are the incisors.

How do you get rid of the burned smell and taste in slightly burned foods?

1) take the pan of burned food off the heat and put it in a bowl or sink of COLD water for about 15 mins. Just take the pan and put it in the water food and all. 2) after 15 mins. take all the NON-BURNED food out of the pan, that means the food on top, do not scrape the burned food off the pan, and transfer to clean pan. 3) reheat the food carefully which has not been burned. This should get rid of the burned taste of the food.

Why is it good to drink milk with your food when dieting?

* It makes your teeth healthy? * Milk is an excellent source of calcium and helps your bones grow strong and your teeth healthier. * Notwithstanding, drinking milk with your food is not a good idea if you are trying to lose weight.