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yes it is a chemical change.

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Q: Is burning of hydrogen in air chemical change?
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When hydrogen burns in air the change is chemical Give two reasons to support this assertion?

When hydrogen burns in air with H2+O2= H20

Is magnesium burning in the air a chemical change?

Yes. Burning anything is a chemical change.

Is Mg burned in air chemical or physical?

Chemical, MgO (solid) is formed

Why burning candle is chemical change?

It is a chemical change because the burning thread is combusted. The combustion is an oxidation reaction. Most importantly, it is a chemical change because after burning, the chemical properties of the thread is changed entirely!

Why burning of magnesium in air is chemical change?

magnesium burns in oxygen to form magnesium oxide. and hence this is a chemical change

Is burning a strip of magnesium ribbon a chemical or physical change?

This is a chemical change. The reaction is: Mg + O ---> MgO

Is hydrogen burns in chlorine gas chemical or physical change?

When you combust hydrogen in air, the hydrogen will combine with oxygen to form water. Therefore, the hydrogen and oxygen are undergoing a chemical change to become bonded together producing H2O: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O + Heat

What is the word equation for the reaction that takes place when hydrogen burns in the air?

When hydrogen burns in air, it combines with atmospheric oxygen to form water. Since hydrogen and oxygen are undergoing a chemical change to become chemically bonded together producing H2O the change is chemical in nature.

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Can you make water by burning hydrogen gas in air?

Yes. Burning hydrogen gas in air produces water vapor.

Is magnesium burning a physical change?

This is a chemical change, like any other burning reaction: magnesium is turned into magnesium oxide by burning reaction with oxygen (from air). 2Mg + O2 --> 2MgO

Is burning magnesium a physical change?

This is a chemical change, like any other burning reaction: magnesium is turned into magnesium oxide by burning reaction with oxygen (from air). 2Mg + O2 --> 2MgO