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Q: Is buying legal bud illegal in Tennessee?
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Related questions

Does legal bud contain nicotine?

No. The active ingredient in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol and several chemical analogs. There is no nicotine in marijuana, legal or illegal.

Does legal marijuana get you higher than illegal marijuana?

It depends on the legal marijuana that you're buying. If you're in Colorado-legal, then it's the same. If it's from your local head shop, it depends on what you buy. Before you buy from your local head shop, there have been many cases of people going into comas from the so called "Legal Bud". Be careful and know your risks.

Will you get high off of bud joint?

no. there is absolutely no way to get high off of bud. it is total crap. don't get anything that is legal. only illegal stuff is good. the only thing that bud has is like a crappy taste, a crappy smell, and some sedatives in it. nothing else. wtf are you talking about, if its descent weed bud 1 is plenty.

Where can one find a review on Legal Bud?

There are many places where someone can obtain a review on Legal Bud. The best place to check would have to be the official website called Legal Bud Reviews Org.

Does legal bud kill?


What is the best legal bud?

Chemdog is the best I've smoked.

Why do the Houston Oilers records belong to the Tennessee Titans?

The Tennessee Titans were the Oilers but they moved the team to Tennessee in 1999. Team owner Bud Adams has refused to release the rights to the Oilers name or records from his control.

Is dutch green bud illegal in Ohio?

No, but even cigarettes will give you more of a high.

Is a pipe with legal bud in it is it legal?

There's no such thing as "legal bud" in the United States. Marijuana is illegal under federal law, period, and regardless of what the state law says,federal law still applies and at best you're limited to hoping that federal law enforcement has better things to do (they often do, so unless you're breaking other laws or literally waving it in their faces so they have no choice but to take notice, you stand a fair chance of going unhassled).That said, it's not actually illegal to own a pipe, even a pipe of the type used to smoke marijuana, provided that you don't use it for that purpose.

Does black bat cigarettes contain cocaine?

no that would be illegal..... don't kid yourself bud

Is hybrid bud or marijuana legal?

fu%k no bi#ch as ni$$a

Does herbal bud get you high and is it legal?

None of the herbal bud you can buy online or actually in the US gets you high. It is legal though. It's generally for pleasure smoking, because it either contains little or no THC. Soo, I'd just stick to the street bud if you're looking to get blazed. Hope I helped