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Marine Biology is a vast discipline incorporating every aspect of biology but with a marine emphasis, this ranges from ecology (which is heavily statistical) to physiology. So in Is_vector_calculus_and_differential_equations_needed_for_marine_biologyto your question, yes it is used, the need however depends on what path you take.

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Is vector calculus and differential equations needed for marine biology?

Marine biology is a vast discipline incorporating every aspect of biology but with a marine emphasis, this ranges from ecology (which is heavily statistical) to physiology. So in answer to your question, yes it is used, the need however depends on what path you take. Vector calculus has proved to be useful while studying marine biology.

What materials are used in marine biology?


4. What is marine biology?

Marine biology is the scientific study of the biology of marine life, organisms in the sea.

When did marine biology start?

Marine biology started when it did

What degree does marine biology require?

A degree in marine biology or general biology.

Is marine biology a science?

Yes, marine biology is a specialized division of biology which is the study of life.

What is a Marine Biology Degree Called?

The first degree you would get to become a marine biologist is a Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology, or a Bachelor of Science in Biology with an emphasis in Marine Biology. for further degrees you would need to go to graduate school to get your Masters in Marine Biology.

What kind of science is in marine biology?

marine biology is life science

What do you call people who study marine biology?

People who study marine biology are called marine biologists.

How do you use calculus in marine course?

Calculus can be used for many applications for marine purposes. It can be used for calculations of wear, temperature (e.g. using newton's law of cooling ect) or even calculation for control systems or stability of control systems ect.

Can you get a bachelor's degree in marine biology at Texas A and M University at Galveston?

Galveston is one of the top colleges in the country for Marine Biology which means you CAN get a Bachelor's Degree. One of the best! From their web site:Curriculum in Marine Biology (MARB) The Department of Marine Biology offers these three degree programs: Marine Biology (MARB), Marine Biology License Option (MARB/LO) and Marine Fisheries (MARF).

Is algebra used in biology?

yes ,,In marine biology, algebra is important because it is used to conduct measurements and test water and sand levels.