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Q: Is calling a woman a pigeon an insult?
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Is calling someone a Muslim a insult?

No, because, calling someone a Muslim is not a insult; Muslim is a religion.

Is it good calling others as abnormal?

No it's an insult.

What does babaso mean in spanish?

An insult for calling someone stupid or an idiot.

Is the word annoying an insult?

Calling someone annoying may be an insult, but it may be a simple description of how the speaker feels. It all depends on the circumstances.

Is it illegal to call someone gay?

No, however, attempting to insult someone by calling them gay is ignorant.

Does calling a child an Ammonia factory consider an insult?

yes because you make the child think he or she stinks.

Was calling one a Christian an insult?

To me it is a the opposite of insult a christian is a person that has a personnal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we could be in fellowship with Him. Isn't that amazing

Is calling someone not hot an insult?

YES!!!! Its not nice and mean nobody wants someone to say to them that they are not good looking!!!!!

When someone says shut up punk what do they mean?

When someone says "shut up punk," they are using aggressive language to tell someone to be quiet, often with disrespect or hostility towards that person. The term "punk" is sometimes used as an insult to imply that the person is weak or rebellious in a negative way.

Why is it an insult to call someone an apple?

The insult of calling someone an apple may vary based on cultural context, but it could suggest that the person is unoriginal, plain, or simple in a derogatory way. It might also imply that they are ordinary or unremarkable.

Is it an insult for man to be called strapping?

Nope - calling someone a 'strapping lad' - is acknowledging that the man is well-built or muscular.

What does Alice say to insult the Queen?

Alice insults the Queen by calling her a "fat, pompous, bad-tempered old tyrant."