

Is candle wax mixture or a compound?

Updated: 2/23/2022
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7y ago

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Candle wax is a hydrogenated oil compound

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Pearline Blick

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Q: Is candle wax mixture or a compound?
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Candle wax compound or element?


What are the chemicals in the candles?

In common, there are hydrocarbons in a candle stick. There is not a single compound, but a mixture often referred as paraffin wax.

Is a candle an element mixture or compound?

candle is a compound

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it's a mixture of compoundsMaybe a mixture, but it can be pure (made out of one substance). Defenitely NOT an element.E.g. Beeswax is a mixture but spermacetiwax is (almost) pure:Spermaceti consists principally of cetyl palmitate (the ester of cetyl alcohol and palmitic acid), C15H31COO-C16H33.

What mixture is a candle?

Depending on what type of wax the Candle provider used, a Candle is a mixture of wax, dye blocks used to color the candle and a fragrance oil that's safely used to scent candles with.

Is candle wax mixture or a Pure Substance?

Candle wax is a mixture of different compounds, predominantly consisting of hydrocarbons like long-chain alkanes. It is not a pure substance because it contains various molecules with different chemical properties.

Is candle wax heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture?

Wax is a generally considered as a homogenous mixture of several different longer-chain alkanes, esters and other compounds.

Was the candle an element or compound?

A candle chemically speaking is a mixture, containing substances which are made up of chemical compounds, which in turn are composed of elements. . A candle is made up of a wick- generally cotton (cellulose)- and candle wax which is a mixture of hydrocarbons.

Candle is a mixture of what?

A candle is typically a mixture of paraffin wax, stearic acid, and other additives like fragrance and colorants. These ingredients are combined and poured into a container with a wick to create the finished candle product.

Is candle wax a mixture?

Yes, because it is made out of many materials.

Is candle wax a heterogeneous or homogenous?

Candle wax is a homogeneous mixture because it has a uniform composition throughout, consisting of a combination of different hydrocarbons and other organic compounds.

Does water and candle wax form a solution or mixture?

A heterogeneous mixture. Water is a polar solvent and wax in nonpolar, like oil. The two will not mix as a result.