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Q: Is candy an addiction or a craving?
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A strong physical and psychological craving for a substance?

This describes addiction, characterized by a compulsive need to use a substance despite negative consequences. It involves both a physical dependence, leading to withdrawal symptoms when the substance is not used, and a psychological dependence, where a person feels a strong urge or craving to use the substance.

What is the word for the craving of video games?

The word for the craving of video games is "gaming addiction." It refers to the excessive and compulsive use of video games that interferes with daily life activities.

What is the synonym of addiction?

dependance. dependence. dependency. habituation. habit, obsession, craving, enslavement to, attachment to

Does Lamar Odom eat a lot of candy?

Yes he does. He has been known to have an addiction to candy.

What is it called when an individual develops a strong craving or alcohol because it produces pleasurable feelings or relieves stress?


One of the Most Important Drug Addiction Facts?

Something that a lot of people don't realize is that addiction is actually much broader and more deeply rooted than mere chemical addiction. In truth, the chemical side of drug addiction is generally one of the easiest parts to overcome. The emotional craving is often harder to kick than the chemical craving. One of the most important drug addiction facts is this one: People who have a support group have a higher rate of success in kicking the habit.

Can gambling addiction be linked to others?

Gambling has been known to be linked to other addictions because of the "craving" you get when you are gambling. Having that urgency can lead to alcoholism or drug addiction, if not treated right away.

Responding to a craving with a healthful habit can help break the addiction cycle. It can also improve life for the person and his or her family. True or False?


How do you spell jonesing?

"Jonesing" is spelled as J-O-N-E-S-I-N-G. It is a colloquial term often used to describe a strong craving or desire for something.

What is the process of hypnosis smoking?

Hypnosis smoking is a quick method of quitting smoking by communicating directly with the part of the mind that controls the addiction and also the craving.

Was there a film called candy?

Yes. it's a movie about drug addiction starring Heath Ledger.

Why does a nicotine patch help?

A part of the addiction pattern of tobacco is the fact that your body adapts to having nicotine on board. A nicotine patch can relieve that part of the craving.