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It's more than likely ground up cricket exo skeleton, if your feeding your leopard gecko crickets, than this is a good sign that everything is being digested properly.

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Related questions

What should you name a leopard gecko?

Spots, Gecky, Spotty and Leo are good ones . Caesar and Missy are good names! (those are my gecko's names!)

Is Stevie a good leopard gecko name?

i think that's a great name!

Is bob a good name for your new leopard gecko?

If that is what you want it to be. A great name.

Do all geckos have suction pads?

no the leopard gecko has none and is not very good at climbing.

What gecko makes a good pet?

the leopard gecko makes a great pet. they do not have sticky hands so they cannot climb out of the tank and escape

How long between each leopard feed?

I would feed every other day; that's what I do for my leopard gecko. Make sure you provide a varied diet with crickets, mealworms, and a waxworms once or twice a week. Good Luck! ~Leopard Gecko Fan~

How do you get your parents to give you a pet leopard gecko?

explain how you would take care of the leopard gecko and that you would take good care of it and you would buy it with you money do NOT keep nagging them about then they will not be as likely to get you one rather gentley remind them every week or so i know this seems like a long time but it's worth it when you have your leopard gecko.

How much can you hold your leopard gecko?

1-2 hours per day is the most. the least is around twice a month. if your leopard gecko is a baby, it is good to get him used to your handling so he won't be timid by your hand in the future.

Where can one find information about the Leopard Gecko?

Information about the Leopard Gecko can be found online or at any local library. A good online source is Wikipedia however information can sometimes be incorrect so your best bet is to do some more research on the information.

I have a leopard gecko and I recently added slate tile to her terrarium. I have a heating pad but it doesn't work well with the slate. Will a heating lamp be a good idea for an all time heating source?

Yes, a heating lamp is an alternative source of heat for your leopard gecko.

How much does a baby leopard gecko cost?

I purchased my leopard gecko for $20.00 with out setup $200 w/setup*if you are thinking of getting a leopard gecko make sure you research what it needs at a lot of corporate stores they don't know exactly what is needed

What is the besttype of gecko for beginars?

Leopard geckos or Crested geckos. Make sure BEFORE you buy the gecko you read as many articles you can about it. And remember only ONE male per tank! Good luck!