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well they are both important in science

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Q: Is chemical or physical change more important?
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Is Molding food a chemical or physical change and why?

its a physical joking its a chemical change a physical is one substances, and a chemical change is two or more substances so the answer is to food molding a chemical change

What wold digesting food be more of a chemical change or a physical change?

Chemical Reaction

Is colour physical or a chemical?

it can be both, but more likely is it a chemical change.

What is the difference between a chemical reaction and physical change?

The difference between them is that in a chemical reaction, the chemical make up of the substance put into the experiment is changed or modified. In a physical change, only the physical attributes of the substance is changed, like size, shape, color, density, etc.

Is colour a physical or chemical property?

it can be both, but more likely is it a chemical change.

Is sanding wood is a physical or chmical change and why?

It is physical change. There are no chemical reactions taking place when you sand wood.

Is chemical change better than physical change?

"Better" is not the term you would use for comparing physical to chemical without defining the principle of what is better, but a chemical change is a more permanent change that will more than likely require input of energy.

Is making banoffee pie a physical or chemical change?

physical change go to google to check out more

Is cream being whipped is a physical or chemical change?

no. its chemical properties do not change, only its apperance.

Is fireworks a chemical or physical change?

It is a chemical change because it has oxidation and combustion.Both. There's a rapid chemical change which liberates a lot of heat quickly and some of the material may become a gas, the physical change.Read more: When_firework_explodes_is_physical_change_or_chemical_changeNote: release of heat is not a physical change but only a consequence of a chemical change.

Is it true that if a physical change that occurs when a substance changes composition by forming one or more new substances?

No. That is a chemical change. In a physical change, their is no change in chemical composition forming one or more new substances.

Is a wheat ground into flour into a chemical change?

Physical, the chemical properties of the wheat are still the same.flour is ground by a physical change