

Is child abuse worse now than when it first existed?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No,now there is alot of awareness about it than when it started

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Q: Is child abuse worse now than when it first existed?
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Can narcissism be caused by child abuse?

No. Research is increasingly proving Narcissism to be genetic. Child abuse can make it worse but can not cause it.

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yes but not if convicted of child abuse or worse things.

Does a teacher have to report self harm?

Yes. Under the law concerning child abuse the teacher is required to do a written report to child protective services. When there is self abuse this is just a symptom of a worse problem and the child needs help.

Is calling a child a retard and other profanities considered emotional abuse?

= Emotional abuse is hard and I think worse in some cases than physical abuse. Bruises heal but being emotionally scared can make a child angry, insecure and withdrawn. It is of my own personal opinion very cruel and soul destroying for a child to cope with this, so yes I do believe it is emotional abuse. Answer It is absolutely emotional abuse.

Is verbal abuse considered child abuse?

yes of course. you are intentionally trying to hurt your child. but just in a mental way. i say it's worse then physical.

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Research topic questions:When a child "helps" a parent who is mentally or physically ill, is that a type of child abuse? When could it become child abuse?What are the negative effects of "telling" on an abuser? Are there worse negative effects when a child "tells" but is disbelieved?Is a strong isolated family unit better or worse in terms of preventing OR identifying child abuse?How might a child feel they are "different" after they "tell" on an abuser and how can adults help reduce that feeling?If you assume that there is no "one way" to stop abuse from occurring, where and on what should adults focus and spend money to prevent child abuse?How do you dispel the idea that all abused kids will grow up to abuse? How did this belief start and what will change this belief?When a parent who was abused as a child finds themselves acting/sounding "just like my parents did with me!", would it help or make things more confusing to explain to children, generally, their parents' pasts? Does it "help" or hurt a child to know their parent was abused when young?

Is drug abuse getting worse?

Sadly it is getting worse in the whole world.

Is cursing at your child abuse?

Yes, it is. It may not seem like it, and while it's not the worse type of abuse out there, it is abuse. And any abuse is not good. Cursing, or yelling or just talking plain mean to them is verbal abuse, and while it may not hurt them physically, it does mentally. And if they are anything like me, they will end up hurting themselves physically because of it.

Why did abuse in children start?

in my personal opinon, i think the reason abuse started among children is because their easy, their vulnerable and as the absuser being an adult or older child, they will believe anything you say. they believe that is they tell, it will only get worse. and the reason adults abuse their children, in any form or shape, i think is because not that they hate the child, but because, they have their own personal issues, that they take out in the child because their an easy target.

Why is Dave Pelzer so well known?

Because of the book he wrote "A Child Called It" that is a true story about his life as a child living with an alcholic mother that beat him and starved him. He is known to be the 3rd worse abuse case in California history.

What is more damaging mental or physical abuse to a woman?

I believe mental abuse is worse. Physical abuse the marks eventually go away. Mental abuse , those scars may never go away depending on how much abuse there was.