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Actually, it's not. Cigar and pipe smokers who do not inhale do not have the same lung cancer rate as those who smoke cigarettes. However, cigar and pipe smokers still have high rates of throat and mouth cancer.

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They both use tobacco (with the 'bad' stuff in it). And if you inhale you put yourself at exactly the same risk as a cigarette smoker. I do think that cigarette smokers 'consume' (use) more tobacco per day compared to your average cigar/pipe smoker.


Cigarette smokers and other tobacco users who do not inhale are still "at risk" but a lower risk. Yes, ALL tobacco use can have long term effect on your health. As far as I know there has not been one case of a cigar user suing and claiming "I had no idea smoking cigars was bad for me, you mean it's not the same as running 5 miles a day?"
No definitely not. Nicotine is the most addictive substance in the world. It is generally used as an insecticide and poison. if you were to inject yourself with the amount of nicotine in one cigarette it would kill you. In the nicest way do you get the picture...? What ever form the nicotine is in, it is still very dangerous and the long term effects are the same regardless of how they are ingested
no, as long as you're smoking it's still smoking even if you inhale it deeply or not you're still inhaling it and with that the chemicals that are dangerous.
also pipe smoking is more in some way more pure than packed cigarettes cos in packed cigars there is the benefit of having a filter built into it while in pipes, it's just the pipe.

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Q: Is cigar and pipe smoking just as dangerous as cigarette smoking?
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Does a e cigar try to quit your smoking habit?

There is a short answer and a long answer to your question. The short answer is no. Now for the long answer. The reason the answer is no is because you asked will it help quit the HABIT. While smoking any electronic smoking device that used an atomizer to heat a liquid is WAY WAY WAY better for you, it encourages the users the replace their cigarettes with the electronic version, doing nothing to break the habit. It does however, if you choose, deliver you the nicotine your body craves without causing the harm of traditional tobacco. So if your question was,'does an electronic cigar help to stop smoking traditional cigars' then your answer is yes. Electronic cigars and cigarettes offer users the same feeling, taste, and nicotine as traditional cigarettez, without all the harmful efects of smoking tobacco. Electronic cigarettes have none of the chemicals that cause cancer, no tar that builds up in your lungs, and no smoke, smell, ash, or flame. If you are thinking about switching to smoking electronically, then do it. You will thank me later. Just make sure to find a company that backs their products and one that will let you try before you buy. - - - - - I never have figured out the point of the electronic cigar. The electronic cigarette, I can see that. But an electronic cigar is inhaled like a cigarette, tastes like a cigarette and has the same psychological effect as a cigarette...real cigars aren't inhaled, they don't taste like cigarettes and the effect of the nicotine is COMPLETELY different between the two products. Basically, an e-cigar is a huge brown e-cigarette.

Is second had smoke from cigars bad for you?

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