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Q: Is ciprofloxacin used to treat prostate cancer?
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Is flutomide an opioid?

No it is a drug used to treat prostate cancer.

What is the treatment used to treat prostate cancer by pacing the radioactive elements directly into the prostate?

This is called Brachytherapy.

What is ciprofloxacin hcl 500 used for?

Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone, meaning it prevents bacterial DNA from replicating. Thus, it used to fight bacterial infections. It is widely known after the anthrax scare, for which it is prescribed. It can also be used for certain types of UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections).

What is iodine 125 used for in medicine?

Iodine is used to treat prostate cancer and brain damage

What different treatments are there to cure prostate cancer?

Procedures to treat prostate cancer and chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery. Surgery can include removal of cancer from the prostate, or removal of prostate gland.

What type of treatment used to treat prostate cancer by placing the radioactive elements directly into the prostate?

That is called Brachytherapy. Little seeds are inserted into the prostate gland and they are then irradiated. The radiation kills off the cancer cells that are near the seeds.

What is estrovis?

Estrovis, having the generic name of Quinestrol is a synthetic estrogen used in hormone replacement therapy. It is occasionally used to treat prostate cancer as well as breast cancer.

In medicine why would someone undergo a TRUS?

A TRUS is a transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate. It is most commonly used to monitor cryotherapy, as well as other forms of therapy, when being used to treat prostate cancer.

How do you deal with negativity and depression after prostate surgery?

There are cancer support groups that a person can join. Also there are medications that can be used to treat depression.

How do antiandrogen drugs treat prostate cancer?

Antiandrogen medications may be used to treat both early-stage and advanced prostate cancer by lowering or blocking the supply of male sex hormones that encourage the growth and spread of the cancer.

Does DRE find prostate cancer?

DRE has also been used as a screening tool for prostate cancer

Does a Rectal examination find prostate cancer?

It has also been used as a screening tool for prostate cancer