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Q: Is cleaning your ears daily bad for you?
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If your ears swell and they're gauged is that bad?

Over stretching and poor cleaning can lead to swelling of the ears which is not good and can lead to serious tissue inflammation and infection. 1 gauge once every 30 days no faster, plugs must be cleaned daily with soap and water.

Are your ears self cleaning?

Not really because some people can grow ear wax and it can get so bad that the doctors need to wash it out and that can be painful so you should always clean your ears

What type of music is bad for your ears?

All types of music is bad for your ears if you have it up at a high volume and listen to it on a daily basis. It can cause serious permanent hearing loss. Try to listen to the music you like but not as high.

How can you get your dog to let you clean his ears?

Touch his ears often without actually cleaning them. Once he is used to the feeling of you simply touching his ears, introduce a cotton ball or cotton pad with cleaning solution.

Can you get cancer by cleaning ears after shower?

Of course you can't!

Where should you never get water on a dog while cleaning?

In his ears.

Are qtips good for cleaning your ears?

Yes, they are, I always use them.

Why do parents tell you to wash behind your ears?

So you wont get build up behind your ears and it so it can be squeaky ears

Is sqeaking in ears good or bad?

bad but you knew that

Burt's bee's wax for ear cleaning?

It is best to use an ear candle for ear cleaning. Burt's beeswax is not for ear cleaning. It is best not to stick things in your ears.

Is it better to have dirty or clean ears?

Clean ears. The wax you see is build up from the wax inside your ear cleaning out the dirt.

Why do you cough when cleaning your ears?

ugh YOU DONT! just learn to hold the cough in