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I wouldn't. Discharge is your vagina's way of cleaning its self.

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Q: Is clear discharge normal while using metronidazole vaginal gel. During the first 2 days i began seeing bacteria in the discharge but now its completely clear but its still alot of discharge. worry?
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Is brown discharge normal after using Metronidazole vaginal gel when pregnant?

Yes even if not pregnant. Its clearing out all the bacteria. Mostly dry blood

What is the treatment for positive coccobacilli on pap smear?

If a woman has complaints of vaginal discharge or odor, than coccobacilli on a pap smear can be treated with vaginal cleocin, vaginal metronidazole, or metronidazole 500 mg tablets twice daily for seven days. If she has no complaints, no treatment is indicated.

What does is mean when there is slime in your underwear?

If there is slime in your underwear, you may have a vaginal discharge which may look like a translucent or white slime. Discharge is completely normal and helps flush out bacteria in the vagina.

How do you get rid of discharge from your vagina?

You can not. Vaginal discharge is natural and normal and should not and can not go away. That is the vaginal cleaning system. When you menstruate the egg comes out with the discharge and the discharge keeps the good bacteria on the right level. It also work as lubrication during sex and protects the vaginal tissue.

What kind of infection does plp have when taking metronidazole?

Metronidazole is an antibiotic used to treat anaerobic bacteria and parasites. These parasites include giardia lamblia and amoeba. It also treats trichomonas vaginal parasites.

Vaginal discharge that I'd watery white with no itching or odor for a month?

If there is vaginal discharge that is watery white, but there is no itching or odor for a month, this is a completely natural bodily function.

Does metronidazole vaginal cream affect the birth control pill?

There are no known drug interactions between metronidazole vaginal cream and the birth control pill. However, you should not rely on condoms while using metronidazole vaginal cream.

Is fishy smell a sign of pregnancy?

i don't think so i think it's bacteria (vaginal discharge)

Does Metronidazole gel affect NuvaRing?

There are no known drug interactions between Nuva Ring and metronidazole vaginal gel.

Why do you have discharge when you already have your period?

Discharge is something you have every day starting from puberty, this is because discharge helps to keep the vagina clean and healthy: it flushes out dead cells, is acidic to kill bad bacteria but help healthy bacteria to thrive, and keeps vaginal tissues protected from damage. Discharge changes throughout your menstrual cycle and unusual changes to discharge can be a clue as to your vaginal health, so it's good to learn more about your discharge.

Why do you always have discharges?

Discharge is how your vagina stays clean and healthy. Discharge is acidic to kill 'bad' bacteria while allowing 'good' bacteria to thrive, keeps vaginal tissues lubricated, and cleans out dead cells.

Can vingar help you if you have a discharge?

All cis women have discharge at all times because this is how your vagina keeps itself clean and healthy - it flushes out dead cells, lubricates the vaginal tissues to keep them healthy, and kills harmful bacteria while allowing healthy bacteria to thrive. If you have excessive discharge then it can be a sign of a vaginal infection, as such you need to talk to your doctor.