

Is coal organic matter

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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Coal is a rock derived from organic processes.

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Q: Is coal organic matter
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What is the difference between the organic material from which coal forms the organic material from which petroleum and natural gas form?

Coal is plant matter ( tress from the Carboniferous ) and oil is from micro-organic matter.

What was coal before it was coal?

it is an organic matter of plants which were decay and decompose after their termination

What is the biological origin of coal?

organic matter (dead plant and animal matter)

What is the correct sequence of coal formation?

accumulation of organic matter, compression into peat, compression into coal

What is coal formation largely a result of?

Coal formation is largely the result of fossilization of organic matter.

What are the different names of coal?

The names for the different types of coal depends on the organic content. The coal with the lowest percentage of organic matter is anthracite. (around 10 % organics) Then comes steam coal, bituminous coal. (around 20 %) Lignite is a form of coal with high organic content (around 50 %) Peat is a coal precursor (half way to being coal) (More than 50 %)

Why is coal different then other sedimentary rocks?

It is made of almost entirely of organic matter.

What energy-rich compounds are formed from organic matter by geological processes?

Coal, oil and natural gas.

How are coal and oil made?

coal and oil are made by animals

How Is coal a mineral?

Coal is not a mineral. A mineral is a solid non-organic substance. Coal is an organic substance.

Is coal inorganic organic?


Is coal organic or inorganic?
