

Best Answer

yes. chocolate is very deadly for dogs, especially dark. (higher quantity of cocoa) if you are asking because your dog has eaten chocolate, mark my words: TAKE YOUR DOG TO THE VET AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! YOUR DOG COULD BE AT RISK! DONT TAKE A CHANCE AND KILL YOUR PET! ITS A LIVING THING! hope this helps! happy woofs! =)


YES! NEVER EVER FEED YOUR DOG(S) CHOCOLATE! It can be so toxic to dogs! My dog got in to 2 pounds of chocolate and we had to bring her to the emergency vet. She almost died. It is a very horrible thing! The best thing to do is keep chocolate out of the reach of dogs!

Symptoms of Chocolate Toxicity:

  1. diarrhea
  2. vomiting
  3. excessive urination
  4. hyper/restless
  5. panting hard
  6. fast heart rate
  7. excessive thirst


Chocolate is bad for dogs - in fact, veterinarians consider it poison. Chocolate contains theobromine, a central nervous system stimulant that may cause seizures, excessive urination (leading to dehydration), and heart damage.

The half-life of theobromine is approximately 17.5 hours. If your dogs ate the cookie several weeks ago, they have entirely eliminated the toxin from their bodies by now and should be fine. Be careful not to let them have more, though. Dogs can develop a craving for chocolate, just like humans.

According to Talk to the Vet, the darker the chocolate, the more theobromine it contains. Milk Chocolate is less toxic than Dark Chocolate, which is less toxic than baker's chocolate.

Talk to the Vet (see Related Links) suggests the following formula for calculating overdose:

1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight for Milk chocolate

1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight for Semisweet chocolate

1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight for Baker's chocolate

Symptoms of chocolate toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, twitching, and seizing. This is considered a veterinary emergency requiring prompt, supportive care.

While sharing chocolate with your dog may seem fun and harmless in small quantities, the practice is best avoided. A better choice is to keep a small supply of treats on hand that are nutritionally formulated for dogs.

For more information, see Related Links, below.

No they cant eat any form of chocolate! that would poison them and kill them.

Hey my dog has had it several times, and she is 13 years old!

YES it is VERY bad for them if they have to much they can DIE!!


WildComet on Horse Isle 1

There is a chemical in chocolate called theobromine that is not well-tolerated by canines. Depending on the size of the dog and the amount and type of chocolate consumed, it can be deadly. The darker the chocolate, the more theobromine it contains, and the smaller the dog, the more likely he is to face serious consequences.

If you suspect that your dog has eaten chocolate, call your veterinarian immediately. If your dog begins vomiting, having diarrhea or increased urination, acting restless or having muscle tremors, these could be signs of a serious problem.

Chocolate can make a dog sick, or even lead to death. It can. Any type or amount of chocolate can be potentially very dangerous for dogs and some other animals.

Chocolate contains two harmful substances for dogs: caffeine and theobromine. Dark and semisweet chocolate is the most harmful, while white chocolate is the least. All it takes is 2 ounces of bittersweet chocolate for a 20 pound dog to start exhibiting signs of chocolate toxicity.

A side story: This is an exception, so don't try it. A family member had a dog that lived to a very old age despite eating copious amounts of Hershey's kisses. Despite this, DO NOT RISK IT. Don't feed dogs chocolate.

Should your dog ingest chocolate (like mine did), make the dog throw up IMMEDIATELY! Mine ate one quarter of a freshly baked chocolate cake with 4 full squares of bakers chocolate between the frosting and the cake. (Given her weight, age, and relative unhealthiness... could have saved me euthanasia costs.)

Within the first half hour IF you get the dog to throw up, you should be in the clear. NO WATER! It will make the chocolate pass through into the intestines faster and, therefore, won't come up. To make a dog chuck, use hydrogen peroxide (the kind used for cuts only NOT THE KIND FOR HAIR!), about one tablespoon in the back of the throat. A syringe or turkey baster is useful. Wait five minutes. NOTE dogs do NOT like an audience whilst puking, so watch out the window. IF that doesn't work, a tablespoon of salt in the back of their throat and wait five minutes and if that doesn't work, repeat hydrogen peroxide.

If too much time has lapsed, take it to a vet.

Some more advice:

It depends on the dog, the chocolate and the amount. If your dog has only ingested a slight amount of chocolate, monitoring at home is usually recommended.

Things to look for:

  • Vomit or diarrhea?
  • Is the dog still eating and drinking normally
  • Is the dog lethargic

If diarrhea or vomit occurs (which is likely to happen), you can feed a bland diet of 50% boiled lean hamburger or chicken to 50% boiled white rice. The diet is bland, easy to digest and will help rest the bowel while firming up the stool.

If the dog is lethargic, or not eating and drinking, it should go to the vet asap.

yes, it is poisonous to dogs.

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs. Your dog might not show ill effects after eating a small amount, but keep an eye on it in any case.

If a dog has eaten a really large amount you should ring the vet or animal clinic for advice straight away, without waiting for symptoms to show.

Keep all food out of reach except those foods your pets are allowed to eat - substances you know are bad for your pet shouldn't ever be left where they could be eaten. You need to be as careful with what you leave lying around within reach of a pet as you should be with leaving possibly harmful things around small children. Sharp objects, cigarettes or butts, medication, chemicals, unsuitable foods, and so on, like all other possible sources of harm, should be safely out of reach.

Check on unsuitable foods with your vet, or a veterinary website - there are many giving this advice; see one at the link below - so that you know what food is okay to give your pet.

If you have people around who want to feed things to your pet that you know are bad for it, tell them you'll send them the vet's bill if they make your animal sick.

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9y ago

Cocoa powder can be harmful to dogs, and may even cause death. The toxic dosage depends on the weight of the dog. The smaller the dog, the smaller the dose that can be toxic.

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13y ago

All chocolates are harmful to dogs! Especially dark chocolate.

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Yes, do not feed your dog cocoa or anything chocolate. They are deadly allergic.

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